Social Media Marketer

Noora Hirkan Trade
General information about the employer

Company Name
Noora Hirkan Trade
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Company's contact person
Rasoul Beheshtifar
Company contact's phone number
Company contact's email
Company website

Please contact us if you are fluent in English and Uzbek Language.
Fluency in other languages, strong academic background, and work experience are beneficial.

Social Media Marketer
Updated: 03/13/2023

Work style
Employment type
Office Work
5000000 USD dan 7000000 gacha
Full Time
Digital marketing

We are looking for an enthusiastic Marketing Specialist to help us in our overall marketing efforts. You will be an integral part of the development and execution of marketing plans to reach targets from brand awareness to product promotion.

Conducting market research to find answers about consumer requirements, habits and trends

Brainstorming and developing ideas for creative marketing campaigns

Assisting in outbound or inbound marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, events planning etc.)

Requirements and skills

Proven experience as marketing specialist or similar role

Thorough understanding of marketing elements (including traditional and digital marketing such as SEO/Social media etc.) and market research methods

Demonstrable experience in marketing data analytics and tools

Solid computer skills, including MS Office, marketing software (Adobe Creative Suite & CRM), and applications (Web analytics, Google Adwords, etc.)

Well-organized and detail-oriented

Exceptional communication and writing skills

Commercial awareness partnered with a creative mind

proficiency in English and Uzbek languages are necessary



Conduct market research to find answers about consumer requirements, habits and trends

Brainstorm and develop ideas for creative marketing campaigns

Assist in outbound or inbound marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, events planning etc.)

Liaise with external vendors to execute promotional events and campaigns

Collaborate with marketing and other professionals to coordinate brand awareness and marketing efforts

Plan and execute initiatives to reach the target audience through appropriate channels (social media, e-mail, TV etc.)

Assist in analyzing marketing data (campaign results, conversion rates, traffic etc.) to help shape future marketing strategies

Undertake individual tasks of a marketing plan as assigned
