An order from

"Yashnobod" innovatsion Texnoparki

Contact information

Contact person
Ma’lumot mavjud emas
Contact person's email
Ma’lumot mavjud emas
Contact person's address
Ma’lumot mavjud emas
Contact person's phone number
Ma’lumot mavjud emas
General information about the customer
"Yashnobod" innovatsion Texnoparki
Customer type
Applications open
Applications close
Budget is negotiable
Filing conditions

Yashnobod innovatsion Texnoparki rasmiy veb-saytini ishga tushirish kerak. Ijrochilar IT-Park rezidenti bo'lishi va davlat tashkilotlari bilan to`g`ridan to`g`ri shartnoma qilish huquqiga ega bo`lishi kerak. Ijrochilar o'z portfoliolarini jo'natgandan keyin, texnik topshiriqlar haqida batafsil xabardor qilamiz.

General information about the project
Project title
Yashnobod Innovatsion Texnoparki veb - sayti
Project description

Yashnobod Innovatsion Texnoparki veb - saytini yasash va shakllantirish

20 kun
General requirements to the executor
Expected transaction type
Requirements to the executor

Ijrochi davlat tashkilotchilari bilan to'g'ridan to'g'ri shartnoma qila olishligi kerak.

Comments to the requirements
Ma’lumot mavjud emas