Contact information
General information about the customer
- Customer
- "Yashnobod" innovatsion Texnoparki
- Customer type
- Business
- Applications open
- 10/08/2021
- Applications close
- 10/13/2021
- Budget is negotiable
- Filing conditions
Yashnobod innovatsion Texnoparki rasmiy veb-saytini ishga tushirish kerak. Ijrochilar IT-Park rezidenti bo'lishi va davlat tashkilotlari bilan to`g`ridan to`g`ri shartnoma qilish huquqiga ega bo`lishi kerak. Ijrochilar o'z portfoliolarini jo'natgandan keyin, texnik topshiriqlar haqida batafsil xabardor qilamiz.
General information about the project
- Project title
- Yashnobod Innovatsion Texnoparki veb - sayti
- Project description
Yashnobod Innovatsion Texnoparki veb - saytini yasash va shakllantirish
- Deadline
- 20 kun
General requirements to the executor
- Expected transaction type
- G2B
- Requirements to the executor
Ijrochi davlat tashkilotchilari bilan to'g'ridan to'g'ri shartnoma qila olishligi kerak.
- Comments to the requirements
- Ma’lumot mavjud emas