Murodjon Mehmonov
Обо мне
👨💻/FISH:Murodjon Mehmonov
Algo Developer
- Tick3: Personal Family Website (PHP) to help you shop and get the best prices
- .io game: (JavaScript)
- Amazon Price Predictor: A program that alerts you when the price of a particular product falls below a certain level (Python)
- Photo Organizer Pro (Current Project): A Windows application where you can connect an SD card from your camera or phone and it copies your photos and then saves them in a certain easy-to-access format (C #).
- Tick3: xarid qilish va eng yaxshi narxlarni olishda yordam uchun oila veb-sayt (PHP)
- .io o'yini: (JavaScript)
- Amazon narxlari bashoratchisi: ma'lum bir mahsulot narxi ma'lum darajadan tushadigan sizni oziqlantiruvchi dastur (Python)
- Photo Organizer Pro (Joriy ilovasi): Kamera yoki telefoningizdan SD-kartani ulashingiz mumkin bo'lgan Windows ilovasi va u rasmlaringizdan nusxa ko'chiradi (C#) saqlaydi.
🌏 Namangan
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