Ismoil Foziljonov

Android Developer
Ismoil Foziljonov
Android Developer

Мобильные приложения

Обо мне

I’m a 3rd-year Computer Science student at TUIT. One of my most important skills
is,thatI can easily communicatewith people . In addition, after a lot of olympiads, which
I won, I’m able and really like to find optimal and unique solutions for different problems. At work, it is important for me to have teammates, who are really interested in
the circle of their activity, because only in this way we can do big things together


  • TUIT

    Бакалавриат / computer engineering

    1 сентября 2019 г. - Present

Work Experience

  • Android Developer

    Rounded LLC

    1 ноября 2021 г. - 1 марта 2022 г.