Asror Abdurakhmanov

Android Developer & Founder of Appolish
Asror Abdurakhmanov
Android Developer & Founder of Appolish

Разработка приложений
Поисковая оптимизация
Мобильные приложения
Инструменты для бизнеса


Android разработка

Обо мне

Hi there! I'm an Android Developer with more than two years of experience building Android apps.

When I was 13, I became interested in building software. Luckily, I knew a bit of English at that time. English helped me to search for any question I wanted on the internet. I was amazed that on the internet, there were more resources available to me to learn about coding than I ever could have imagined before. First, I started to build mobile apps with code blocks. The time I build and used my first app, I knew I was born to build mobile apps. After that, the interest turned into a passion. At that time, I was watching tutorials and building various apps every day.

Gladly, this passion remains with me to this day. That's why I'm trying hard to learn all about Mobile app development, and I know there's always more to learn. After finishing the Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree program from Udacity, I aimed to create an app that would benefit people in the area of education. After half a year, I made such an app called Uzdevs. The app is for learning programming and has been downloaded more than 10000 times and it also has a positive 4.5+ rating. Plus, the app store optimization strategies I learned helped me to get the app to the top search results on Google Play.


  • Uzdevs

    Uzbeks None

    Uzdevs is a mobile app for anyone looking to learn the basics of coding. With comprehensive courses divided into short, easy-to-understand lessons, Uzdevs makes learning coding simple and fun using gamification methods.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin (Open Source)

    2 April, 2021 None

    GitHub repository contains the implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms in the Kotlin programming language.


  • Udacity

    Другое / Android Kotlin Developer

    1 декабря 2020 г. - 1 января 2021 г.
  • Y Combinator

    Другое / Start-ups

    1 апреля 2022 г. - 1 июня 2022 г.

Work Experience

  • Android Developer


    1 апреля 2021 г. - None
  • Founder


    1 апреля 2021 г. - None


  • mGovAward finalist

    IT Park

    4 июня 2022 г.