Hi, I amShohjaxon Shaydullayev. I was born on December 16, 2005 in the city of Termiz, Surkhandarya region. I have been interested in programming since I was young. I am currently a frontend developer. I finished school this year and decided not to study at university. I love my profession. I enjoy coding. I have been programming for 2 years. I started programming with python programming language but later switched to javascript programming language.
When I start work, I undertake to do the work in a quality, clean and fast way. I am learning everyday because technology is updated day by day.
My hobbies are learning programming, playing games, trying out unusual things in programming, and creating sites for my portfolio.
Termiz ZOO
Termiz hayvonot bog'i / Jan. 3, 2022
Site for zoopark