Vadim Mukaev
Обо мне
Worked in next one vendors "card software" - Compass Plus, BPC.
Strong technical knowledges in payment card industry, used technologies, principles of operation.
Deep understanding technical layer of "life cycle" payment card, transaction.
Manual functional testing the different components of high-load software.
It is online card processing system, (SmartVista).
Analysis and checking the standard functional for card processing software, beside this checking correctly realizing additional business, financial, special logic for components. Recheck after changes, modifications, updates.
Manual, regression, load testing.
Drawing up & filling test documentation: test plans, case maps, check lists, scenarios.
Customize and maintenance test stands (APP layer, configurations) that emulates customer environment (banks, payment systems, payment aggregators, payment processors).
Near interaction with system analysts, developers, support, implementation team specialists. Sometimes with staff on customer side.
Working with documentation (mainly tech. specifications) from vendors, payment systems (VISA, JCB, DC, AMEX, NSPC, THALES, ACI, NCR etc.)
Gitlab (repository of code, autotest repository): user, reading, understanding "allien" code on C.
PL/SQL: writing not "hard" procedures.
Unix-like OS: strong user CLI;
sh: scripts for compile via make, not "hard" scripts (filling DB, prepare environment, logging)
Also have an experience with specialized software in industry like cryptocalculators, simulators and emulators of POS terminals, E-POS terminals, ATM's, payment systems.
There are defined main functions on the 'high level' language without details, cause most technical info protected by security requirements and NDA. If you are interested do not hesitate contact me at convenient way (TG, what's up, e-mail).
Work Experience
Testing engineer
BPC Banking technologies
1 января 2021 г. - 1 января 2024 г. -
Duty engineer
Compass Plus
1 июля 2016 г. - 1 февраля 2019 г.