I am Toshpolatov Abrorbek, I have more than 2 years of experience as a backend developer, working on various web projects using PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Postgresql and other web technologies. I have experience working with companies such as Novatio UK Group and DataSite Technology. I was involved in creating and improving Novatio's LMS (learning management system) site and other corporate websites. I participated in several projects as a backend (PHP) developer at DataSite, including developing backend functions for sites such as moyka.dst.uz, turagency.dst.uz, and dostavkabot.dst.uz.
Also, as a junior web developer at CYBERNETGROUP, I worked on simple and less complex projects, including the abrorbek.uz and dunyo-yanigiliklari.uz projects.
I am currently working towards a Bachelor's Degree in Cyber Security at ISU and I make security a priority in every project. I have experience working in API and MVC, OOP, LARAVEL, YII2 architecture. I aim to work in cooperation with teams that have mastered their profession and to constantly improve my knowledge.
Moyka uchun web-sahifa
AvtoWash / July 31, 2023
Bu web-site avtomoykalar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, moyka haqida to'liq ma'lumot berib boriladi. -
Mehmonxonalar uchun tayyorlangan web-site
Albert / Aug. 30, 2023
Bu web-site mehmonxonalar uchun tayyor crm sistema qilingan. Mijozlar oldindan xona zakaz qilib qo'yadi, comment qoldirsa boladi, xonalar reytingi qilingan -
Dostavka xizmati uchun telegram bot
Breeza / Sept. 30, 2023
Bu botda dastavka xizmati yo'lga qo'yilgan, ya'ni mijoz botga o'z akkaunti bilan kiradi va unga biriktirilgan zakazlarni olib, kerakli joyga yetkazib beradi. -
Lms sistema
Novatio kompaniyasi / Oct. 30, 2023
Bu websiteda kompaniya xodimlarini bilimini baholash maqsadida video ko'rib, test ishlab ularni reytingini ko'rish uchun qilingan. -
CRM sistema
Novatio kompaniyasi / Jan. 30, 2024
Bu website har bir xodimni savdosini online ko'rish uchun qiligan crm sistema. Hodim ishga kelganini va ketganini joylaydi, har bir sotgan narsasini kiritib chiqadi. -
Kompaniya web-site
Novatio kompaniyasi / Dec. 30, 2023
Bu website kompaniya haqida ma'lumot berib boriladi -
CRM sistema
Novatio kompaniyasi / Feb. 28, 2024
Bu websiteda kompaniyani hamma hisob-kitob ishlari avtomatlashtirilgan. Har bir sotuvchini kunlik, haftalik, oylik va yillik hisobotlari chiqib turadi. Har bir xodimni oylik maoshi kpi bo'yicha hisoblanib, online chiqib turadi sistemani ichida. Har bir sotuvchi dorilarni online buyurtma qila oladi. Kompaniya rahbari butun respublika bo'yicha har bir xodimini online nazorat qila oladi.
IDU university
Bachelor / Kibirxavfsizlik mutaxasisi
Jan. 1, 2022 - Present
Work Experience
Junior web-developer
Cybernet Group
Feb. 1, 2023 - June 1, 2023 -
Backend developer
Datasite Technology
July 1, 2023 - Nov. 1, 2023 -
Full-stack developer
Novatio kompaniyasi
Nov. 1, 2023 - June 1, 2024