Nega men: Ishga mas'uliyatli, izlanuvchan, halol, muammolarga moslashuvchan Maqsadim: NodeJS bo'yicha haqiqiy loyihalar qilish. Kompaniyaga ishga/amaliyotga kirish
I am really good at working with the team and gain new skills. I can say that I am a young and aspiring front-end programmer with in-depth knowledge and eager to apply this knowledge in real projects…
I am Shakhzod who is a Junior Frontend Developer (React) looking for an own status in an interesting company. I love the good work and the pleasure that comes from behind it. I have done more than 10…
Salom! Men Akbar, (Back-end)Web-Dasturchi bo'lib faoliyat yurutaman. "Django Framework"ida noldan saytlarni ishlab chiqish. Server komponentlari bilan ishlash (Docker) API(Google, Telegram va bo…
RU Что я могу? - Поддержка и разработка SPA (single page application) - Создание лендинговых и корпоративных сайтов - Кроссбраузерная и адаптивная верстка Почему я? - Опыт работы в команде -…
Ответственный, целеустремленность, пунктуальный, общительный, и дисциплиривоанный.
Hello there! My full name is Istatillo Jo'rayev and I am a Front End Developer currently located in Uzbekistan. Currently working with technologies such as: React, Redux, Vanilla JS, HTML and CSS.
Ma'lumotim oliy TATU ning Axborot xavfsizligi yo'nalishini tamomlaganman. Java backend kurslarini tamomladim. Hozirda TATU Kiberxavfsizlik fakulteti magistrantiman.
Hi everyone, I'm Java developer and entry-level Software Engineer. My primary focus is on the backend. I've worked in some real projects with my team at ISystem IT Academy. Now, I'm looking for a job…
Assalomu alaykum. Men python django backend bo'yicha tahsil olgan man. Django DRF bo'yicha malumotga egaman. djangoda bazi tuzgan kichik dasturlarim: http://eco…