I always try to know programs' codes which help to people find something or spent their time useful. After that interest I was started learn computer skills and I became Web developer.
Talented Java Full Stack Developer skilled at completing daily assignments and contributing to team success. Always willing to take on any task. Adapts quickly to new needs and policies. Offers 2+ ye…
Assalomu aleykom. Men Erkinov Abdurahmon 2000-yil 27-aprel kuni Toshkent Shahri Uchtepa tumani Istirohat mahhalasining 35A uyida ziyolilar oilasida tavvalud topganman. Men 2003-yil 177-sonli maktabga…
Hey, I am Ogabek, I am 21 years old and I am currently studying at the Tashkent Financial Institute. I am also interested in programming, having been a Frontend Programmer for 3 years. Over the year…
Grafik dizayn sohasida: Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Photoshop. Web dizayn sohasida: Adobe XD, Figma. Dasturlash sohasida: Bot dasturlash, Full-stack dasturlash. Video montaj sohasida: After Effect, Ad…
I'm a fullstack developer with 3+ years of hands-on experience designing, developing, and implementing applications and solutions using latest industry-adopted technologies and frameworks. Most of…
I am 20 years old. I am Frontend developer (Vue.js).
I am a 3rd year student of Tashkent University of information Technologies. Faculty: Computer engineering PDP ACADEMY - 2021 Java Backend developer
Frontend-разработчик с маркетинговым бэкграундом. Около десяти лет опыта. Люблю изучать и пробовать новое, развивать и поддерживать существующее. На данный момент сосредоточен на разработке на React.
I am a skilled java backend developer committed to creating web-based materials that users will love. I have a strong interest in conceptual and analytical thinking. Organized and dependable candidat…
Assalomu Alaykum. Men Sobirov Najmiddin Xorazm viloyati Xiva sharidanman yoshim 16 da. Man IT soxasiga juda qiziqaman. Man Youtubedan 3Ds max, Python, JavaScript, Photoshopni organdim. Ru…
Salom men back end dasturchi man. PHP, OOP, MySql va Laravel 8 koʻnikmalariga etaman. Shuningdek telegram botlarni tahrirlash ham qoʻlimdan keladi. Murojat uchun Telegram: https://t.me/Mirzohidjon_18