I'm junior web developer.
I studied at PDP IT academy (Bootcamp) courses. I’ve done a lot of projects and had experience in teams. You can find information about my projects on my GitHub page
I like to embody ideas through code and see the result of my work. I can analyze the structure of applications and always looking for opportunities to improve their performance. Active user of search…
Man asqarov lazizbek web sayt yarataman internet magazinlar va hususiy saytlar yarataman jamoa bilan yaxshi chiqishib ketaman
Men Junior UX/UI dizaynerman.O'z qiziqhishlarim ortidan 2021-yil oktyabrdan 2022-yil martgacha Najot Ta'lim o'quv markazining UX/UI kursini bitirdim. Markazda 1 oy stajirovka qilgamman. Hozirda aktiv…
Мен Junior JavaScript Frontend Developer. Стажировка иш кдряпман
Men o'zimning asosiy tajribamni mustaqil o'rganganman. Men qiyinchiliklarni oson yengib keta olaman. Men katta loyihalarimda yuz berishi mumkin bo'lgan xatolarimni boshqalarning yordamisiz uzoq vaqt …
Я коммуникабельный, гибкий, стрессоустойчивый, пунктуальный человек и всегда готов обучаться новому. Привык решать сложные задачи и быстро понимать, что от меня требуется. Владею английским языком (…