Salom men back end dasturchi man. PHP, OOP, MySql va Laravel 8 koʻnikmalariga etaman. Shuningdek telegram botlarni tahrirlash ham qoʻlimdan keladi. Murojat uchun Telegram:
I'm junior web developer.
I studied at PDP IT academy (Bootcamp) courses. I’ve done a lot of projects and had experience in teams. You can find information about my projects on my GitHub page
I like to embody ideas through code and see the result of my work. I can analyze the structure of applications and always looking for opportunities to improve their performance. Active user of search…
Men Zafar Kadirov sizlar uchun sifatli Video, 3D animatsiya va Grafik dizaynlar yaratib beraman. Men bilan ishlasangiz bundan xursad bo'laman va siz ham xursand bo'lasiz.😊 Dasturlar: After effect…
Assalamu alaykum! I am Muhammad Egamberdiyev QA Tester. I worked with the "Kasqa" team for 8 months to develop a test system on the site of the German company Deutsch Bahn and successfully completed…
Currently i'm living in Saint Petersburg, Russia I have 10+ years of experience in software development on different role and different tech stack. I have strong understanding of what the high qual…
Я 3D художник (3D Prop\Environment artist) с опытом в гейм-индустрии. Работал над игрой Microsoft Flight Simulator в качестве художника по окружению.
Junior Android developer. Kotlin va Javani bilaman. Lekin hozirgi kunda kodlarni faqat Kotlin dasturlash tilida yozaman. Kod yozishni boshlaganimga 2,5 yil boʻldi.Bu vaqt davomida 20 dan ortiq dastur…
Man asqarov lazizbek web sayt yarataman internet magazinlar va hususiy saytlar yarataman jamoa bilan yaxshi chiqishib ketaman