Hi! I am a Front End Developer recently graduated the ProWeb IT Learning center. I studied the course of Web Development lasting 10 months. During the course we did real projects which you can see in…
I have learned java program language in PDP academy. I'm studying at the TIUE university at the moment. I'm so cheerful, fast learner and friendly. Here is what I learned: Java core Spring boot …
Men 22 yoshdaman. Menda CRM, elektron tijorat dasturlarini yaratish tajribasi bilan 1.5 yil Front-end dasturlash tajribam bor. Men Toshkent shahrida yashayman va ingliz tilini muloqaot darajasida vs…
Assalomu alaykum men backend dasturchiman. Agar menga ishonsangiz men ishonchingizni oqlayman. Shu paytgacha ko'plab musobaqalarga qatnashib kelyapman. Oz bo'lsada tajribaga egaman. Maqsadim tabriba …
Front-end Developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React
Men Nukusda 3-kurs talabasi man veb dasturlash boʻyicha shugʻullanaman hozirda mobil dasturlash react native ni oʻrganyapman
Hello My full name is Nurlan Kurbanazarov! I'm a Full-stack developer. My main aim is to offer people most useful and productive products in IT sphere. I am open to work also I'm a CEO of E-learning …
I am just 21 years old and studying in major of Software Engineering in third year. Until now I finished the course of Fronted Development course at Na'jot Ta'lim, there we learned HTML, CSS, Java Sc…
I have experience with backend but not enough. I have worked 6 months in ECMA company opened by owner of PDP IT Academy. I already know Java, Java Spring boot, PostgreSQL. In order that I have pretty…
I am a motivated Frontend Development intern with hands-on experience in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. During my internship, I have contributed to several projects, helping to enhance user int…