IT specialists

Resumes of IT specialists who are looking for work or orders
Rustamjon Mullaqoziyev

Mobile(android and flutter)


Men android va flutter bo'yicha tajribaga egaman. Men e_commerce apkda tajribam katta.

Ro'zimurod Abdunazarov

Middle Full Stack Web Developer

Tashkent region

Я родился в 2003 году. Сейчас я учусь на 3 курсе математического факультета Национального университета. Моя основная специализация – математика. Но мне нравится программирование. Я был чемпионом …

Khojiabror Makhmudov



Igor Khegay

Директор по IT


Hamidulloxon Habibxonov

Software Engineer


I'm looking for a great, enthusiastic engineering team to work for that will provide me with challenging, exciting work that I can learn from and contribute to. I use cutting-edge technologies such a…

Doniyor Jo'rabekov

Mobile Developer


I'm a Flutter developer. I learned Flutter in Najot Ta'lim. This is one of the top IT education centers in Uzbekistan. I also learned programming technologies such as C programming language, Python, …

Bobur Aminov

Flutter developer


Men Flutter dasturchiman. Mobil telefonlar uchun ilovalar tayyorlayman. Va hozirda Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari Universiteti 4-bosqich talabasiman (tamomlayapman). Men 4 yil mobaynida dasturla…

Asomiddin Ochilov

Fullstack developer

Tashkent region

o'zim haqimda gapiradigan bo'lsam deyarli 4 yilga yaqin shu IT sohasida faoliyat yuritib kelaman. Asosan IT Talim va Bizness uchun IT dasturlar yaratish va hozirga kelib bir vaqtni o'zida web va mobi…

Anvarbek Xaydarov

Strong Junior


Full Stack Developer I'm a seasoned fullstack web developer with 4 years in the computer field and over 2 years in software development. Skilled in various languages and frameworks, I've led multi…

Ahror Maxamadibragimovich

Korhana raxbari


Web dasturchi, Front-End uchun Vue.js framework, Back-End uchun Python - Django framework ishlataman.

Agabayev Rasul

Fullstack developer & CEO


Man Rasul Ag`abayev Xorazm viloyati Xiva tumanida Ziyolilar Oilasida tug`ilganman. Cleversoft IT Kompaniyasida Rahbari hamda Fullstack dasturchi bo'lib ishlayman. Hozirda Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidag…

Abdurrohman Shahobiddinov

Frontend Developer


I am Frontend Developer with hands-on experience more than 1.5 years especially in building B2B projects and ecommerce platforms that can be run by Admin panel with high complexity. Working with User…

Sardor Abubakirov

QA engineer


A software engineer who is always ready for new challenges. New challenges are new chances.

Sarvar Abdivaliyev

Backend developer


Java programmer with good knowledge and skills with almost a year. The main strength is building web applications with Java, where I thrive in finding creative solutions to complex problems. Seeking …

Odiljon Abduvaitov

Software Engineer (Strong Middle Level)


Talented Python Developer accomplished in handling connectivity between websites and services. Meets performance, security, and quality goals with clean and well-integrated code. Brings top-notch p…

Bobokhon Abdurakhmanov

Data Scientist


Ever since I was young, I've been fascinated by the power of machine learning and its potential to shape our world 🌍. My journey into data science began in university 🎓, where I was captivated by the…

Alijon Jumanazarov

front end web developer


I am a web developer who has experience in various tech stacks, these days I am looking for a job for a front-end web development career. Skills Front-end: Html 5, css 3(Sass), BEM, bootstrap 4-5…

Khakim Bakhramov

Software Engineer


Hi. My name is Hakimbek. My last name is Bahramov. I am from Uzbekistan. I am interested in information technologies. When I was a sophomore at the university, we were in quarantine and then I saw an…

Jamshidbek Abdullayev

Frontend developer


I have been working as a frontend developer at Udevs company since 1 year. Until now, I have worked in a number of real projects and have gained a lot of experience and have been using it in practice

Umarkhon Akbarov

Middle Python Developer


Experienced Python/Django developer with a focus on delivering high-quality web applications and APIs. Skilled in database modeling, performance optimization, and third-party integrations. Committed…

Required Skills