Talented Python Developer accomplished in handling connectivity between websites and services. Meets performance, security, and quality goals with clean and well-integrated code. Brings top-notch p…
Опытный фронтенд-разработчик, специализирующийся на ReactJS и NextJS. Мой опыт заключается в проектировании и разработке веб-приложений с нуля. Используя TypeScript, я гарантирую надежность и масштаб…
Ever since I was young, I've been fascinated by the power of machine learning and its potential to shape our world 🌍. My journey into data science began in university 🎓, where I was captivated by the…
Men Asqarbekman, hozirda frontend dasturchisiman. Men ReactJS kutubxonasi bilan ishlashda 1 yildan ortiq tajribaga egaman va men ReactJS yordamida veb va mobil ilovalarni ishlab chiqishga ixtisoslash…
I am a web developer who has experience in various tech stacks, these days I am looking for a job for a front-end web development career. Skills Front-end: Html 5, css 3(Sass), BEM, bootstrap 4-5…
Hi. My name is Hakimbek. My last name is Bahramov. I am from Uzbekistan. I am interested in information technologies. When I was a sophomore at the university, we were in quarantine and then I saw an…
I have been working as a frontend developer at Udevs company since 1 year. Until now, I have worked in a number of real projects and have gained a lot of experience and have been using it in practice
I am Saydaliyev Elmurod Java/Kotlin backend developer. I write the backend in Java/Kotlin-Spring and Kotlin-Ktor. I have 8 months of experience. I have been working at Mimsoft since June 2023 unti…
Experienced Python/Django developer with a focus on delivering high-quality web applications and APIs. Skilled in database modeling, performance optimization, and third-party integrations. Committed…
Динамичный, энергичный и целеустремленный профессионал, стремящийся занять трудную позицию. Гибкость, исключительная трудовая этика, сильные коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде. Созд…
Men Java Backend developer lavozimda 1 yilda beri PDP Universityda ishlayman. Men bu yerda PDP Ecosystemning ko'plab loyihlarida ishtirok etib, har xil muammolarga yechim topishni o'rgandim va tajrib…
Middle Frontend Developer (2 года опыта) с фокусом на создание современных веб-приложений. Специализируюсь в разработке с использованием технологий React, JavaScript, Redux, MobX, Material-UI и и…
Я специалист по кибербезопасности с опытом работы более года. Имею опыт работы в государственном унитарном предприятии. Мои навыки: грамотное ведение документации, написание статей, аналитика данных…
Моя страсть – это сочетание передовых технологий и тяжелой промышленности. Объединив свой 11-летний практический опыт эксплуатации, управления и обслуживания тяжелого оборудования с 5-летним опытом р…
I am an 19 year old passionate and aspiring IT professional and recently graduated from PDP Academy. I have deep knowledge of frontend. I have completed all the projects I have done so far. And the o…
Love web, frontend & DBMS; ***** STACK: JS/Node, PHP/MySQL, ORM, UI-Libs; TOOLS: Redwoodjs, Astro, Processwire. TARGETING: Business-use web-apps, data-intensive with PWA in mind; LANGS: RUS|E…
7 yıllık dasturlash sohasi bo'yicha ish tajribasi va bir nechta davlatlarda ish tajriba.
PHP Developer & Graphic Designer