IT specialists

Resumes of IT specialists who are looking for work or orders
Samandar Odilboyev

Frontend Developer


Over the past years, I've worked on a diverse range of web applications, from a traffic control system for the capital city to a digital ticket system for a prominent stadium. These projects have all…

Samandar Abdullayev



I am a web programmer, mostly working on the backend side, I have a year of experience in this field. My goal is to further improve this skill and make the work of clients quality. I was mainly invol…

Og'abek Ravshanov

Fullstack Developer


Aspiring and dedicated Frontend Developer with a solid foundation in web development from Qwasar Silicon Valley. Possessing strong skillsin HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and PHP. Currently pursuing hi…

Nuriddin Mallabayev

AI engenering Ai developer


experience in the field of AI, I am self-motivated, I always work on my own, I can easily work with a team, I receive news quickly, I am honest and hardworking.

Nuriddin Asrorov

Full Stack (.Net & Angular) Developer

Tashkent region

Full Stack разработчик с интересом к созданию инновационных решений. Обладаю базовыми знаниями .NET технологий и умею работать как с фронтендом, так и с бэкендом. Хочу применять свои навыки и учиться…

Muhammadjon Kuvandikov

iOS developer


I am a passionate and results-driven iOS developer with over 2 years of hands-on experience building intuitive and feature-rich mobile apps. During this period, I participated in the development of p…

Mirmuhsin Mengdovulov

Java Backend Developer


Mavluda Kuchkaralieva

React Frontend Developer


Frontend React Developer with 3 years of experience.

Komil Olimov

Fullstack developer


Education and Work Experience: • Joined an international Korean IT company in 2022. • Currently employed as a frontend developer specializing in React JS at a local government unified information …

Kamron Akhmedov

Frontend developer

Tashkent region

Assalomu aleykum! Mening ism-familyam Kamron Akhmedov Toshkent viloyati Chinoz tumanida istiqomat qilaman. IT yo'nalishiga qiziqishlarim bolaligimdan bor va otgan 1 yil davomida ozimni shu ishga bag'…

Kamol Suyunov



menga hozirda qoshimcha ish kerak wordpress saytini to'g'irlayman office dasturlarida mukkamal ishlayman photoshop va shunga o'shash dasturlardan yaxshi foydalanaman

Javohir Xudayberdiyev

Frontend dasturchi

Tashkent region

Ja'far Mirzaraximov

Html5 , css , Scss , Bem , style component , tailwind , mui , Js , Js engine , React , Redux toolki…


Hi my name is Jafar . I'm strong junyor developer in frontend

Islombek Mahkamov

UX/UI Designer


Я графический и UX/UI дизайнер. Я начинающий дизайнер в разработке эффективных и привлекательных дизайнов для веб-сайтов, приложений и других цифровых продуктов. Мой стиль сочетает в себе креативност…

Feruza Temirova

Java programmist


Farooq Jamal

IT Assistant


I am Farooq jamal from Pakistan. I am currently working as an IT Assistant at China Study Center, University of Peshawar.

Doniyor Abdujalilov

SW Development Team Manager / IT Project Manager


SW Development Team Manager / IT Project Manager - Analyzing Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) - Communicating with clients, stakeholders and developers - Defining the Scope of Work (Proje…

Bunyodbek Nurmamatov

Java Developer


Biloliddin Jaloldinov

Мобильный разработчик на базе Андроид


Ответственно отношусь к выполнению поставленных задач. Умею анализировать и оперативно принимать решения в критических ситуациях. Люблю решать задачи на логику. На платформе решил…

Bekzod Raxmonjonov

Frontend Developer | Project and Product Manager


Ismim Bekzod, yoshim 21 da. 2.5 yildan buyon Frontend developer bo'lib ishlab kelaman. Hozir Frontend Developmentdan tashqari Project Management va Product Management bilan ham shug'ullaniyapman. Pro…

Required Skills