20 y.o Interyer va eksteryer dizayneri
I am a dedicated software developer with 1.5 years of hands-on experience in delivering successful projects across various domains. My expertise lies in developing robust and scalable applications, w…
Assalomu alaykum. Ismim Sardor,Toshkent Shaxridanman. Yoshim 21 da. Python Backend Developerman. Shu sohaga kirganimga 3 yil bo'ldi. Shaxsiy loyihalarni backend qismini bir ozim qilganman. Judayam …
Основной стек технологий: git, .net, .net core, asp.net core, ef core, ef core interceptors, automapper, mapster, mediatr, xunit, fluent validation, ardalis specifications, mssql, postgres, rest api.…
Я недавно закончил направление Fullstack. Горю желанием найти стажировку или начальную позицию в динамичной и современный команде, где смогу расти, совершенствовать свои навыки в области Бэкенд и Фро…
Основатель и Директор компании ООО "INNOVATIVE WEB IDEA". Занимаюсь веб-разработкой и SEO оптимизации веб-сайтов.
I’m a UX/UI designer with background in marketing. Having worked with major companies, I know how to follow brand guidelines. And my strength is coming up with fresh design concepts from scratch and …
Men Javoxir EShquvvatov, Frontend Dasturchiman. HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux va boshqa muhim texnologiyalarda chuqur bilimga egaman. Detallarga katta e'tibor berib, doimiy o'…
Detail-oriented and motivated junior Python developer with a solid understanding of Python programming principles, data structures, and algorithms. Proficient in using Django and FastAPI frameworks …
I am a passionate Python developer with expertise in backend development and artificial intelligence. Specializing in Django, I create scalable web applications, focusing on RESTful API design and ef…