O'zim haqimda qisqacha: Men, Doniyor, 15 yoshdaman. 4-5 oy oldin frontend bo'yicha o'quv kursini tamomladim va 3 oy davomida amaliyotda ishladim. Hozir backendni o'rganishni boshladim va kelajakda…
I am a passionate and dedicated junior frontend developer with a background in pharmacy and a keen interest in technology. After completing my degree, I transitioned into web development, where I dis…
Men, Humoyun Mirzo Abdurasuljonov, O'zbekistondan bo'lgan, IT sohasiga qiziquvchi va o'z mahoratini doimiy ravishda rivojlantirib borayotgan bir Dasturchiman. Men uchun dasturlash — bu nafaqat kod y…
У меня разнообразный профессиональный опыт, сочетающий знания в области перевода, дизайна и управления IT-проектами. Я начал свою карьеру в качестве переводчика в группе Uztex, где тесно сотрудничал …
A trained and motivated QA Engineer,seeking a challenging and progressive position to gain knowledge and experience from it.
Frontend Developer Pixel-perfect, moslashuvchan va zamonaviy texnologiyalar yordamida qulay veb-ilovalar yarataman. Men Haqimda 🌍 Men dasturlash sohasida 1 yildan beri ishlayman va ko‘plab lo…
I'm Jayxunbek. I'm from Khorezm and now living in Tashkent. I learned Java in PDP Academy. Nowadays, We are implementing new features for our Starup project with my commands. I need to intern for gro…
Являюсь front-end разработчиком с большим интересом к созданию современных сайтов. У меня есть знания веб-технологий. Технические навыки: - Знание HTML5, CSS3 и JavaScript, включая использовани…
Passionate and skilled Mobile developer with 3 years of experience in developing and deploying high- quality software products. Proven ability to work collaboratively with cross- functional teams to…
My name is Ahmad Abditolipov. In 2024, I graduated from Najot Ta'lim, where I gained a strong foundation in modern technologies and software development. During my studies, I focused on building p…
My interests: CISCO, AI, Data Science, Data Analyse My hobbies: Sport
I'm passionate about crafting robust and scalable web applications using cutting-edge technologies. With expertise in both backend and frontend development, I specialize in creating seamless user exp…
Flutter developer with commercial experience since 2022. I studied Dart and Flutter SDK on my own. During this time, we managed to complete 2 large projects, including POS systems and several project…
I am FullStack developer with more than one years of experience. Locaplace Company located in South Korea. Currently living in Seoul, South Korea. With a focus on creating interactive websites …
• Программист самоучка. Профильный язык Python, смежный С++ • Регулярно решаю задачи на платформах Codeforces, LeetCode, ACMP. • Git_Hub проекты https://github.com/arsen-ask-lx • Имею опыт работы…