Требовательный к себе, я всегда стремлюсь к совершенству и не имею вредных привычек. Работа в условиях ненормированного рабочего дня и многозадачности - моя стихия, я умею эффективно управлять своим…
RPA mutaxassisi, TikFlow RPA va Telegram botlarini ishlab chiqish bo'yicha tajribaga ega. API integratsiyasi, captcha hal qilish, avtomatlashtirish jarayonlari va bot yaratishda malakaga ega. Innovat…
Motivated Golang developer with experience in backend systems, AI integration, PostgreSQL, Docker, and API development. Passionate about learning, optimizing performance, and solving challenges thr…
Veb dasturlash bo'yicha Junior dasturchiman.
A dedicated mobile developer with 3+ years of experience in Flutter and Android development. Focused on building functional and user-friendly mobile applications. Always open to learning new technolo…
Я backend-разработчик, специализирующийся на создании высокопроизводительных и безопасных веб-приложений. Основные технологии, с которыми я работаю, — NestJS, Node.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, MongoDB…
I am a software engineer specializing in creating modern, scalable, and user-friendly applications. Skilled in problem solving and working independently
I am Frontend Developer with hands-on experience for 3 years especially in building B2B projects and ecommerce platforms that can be run by Admin panel with high complexity. Working with User Authen…
Men Cortex Group IT kompaniyasi Software dasturchisiman. Men ushbu kompaniyada 2024-yil sentabrdan beri o`z faoliyatimni olib bormoqdaman. Shu kungacha kompaniya bilan birgalikda AI va avtomatlashtir…
Men dasturlashga qiziqqan va IT sohasida chuqur bilim olishga intilayotgan dasturchiman. Fizika fakultetini tamomlagan bo‘lib, algoritmlarni tahlil qilish va muammolarni samarali hal qilish bo‘yicha …
I am a passionate front-end developer with a strong interest in React, JavaScript and web development. I have experience working with API. I participated in 1 real project. I want to continue learnin…
I have been working as a frontend developer for more than two years developing mobile and web applications. I have participated in more than 10 projects. I like to work on myself and search for new t…
Men ma'lumotlarni tahlil qilish va vizualizatsiya qilishda mutaxassis bo'lgan, statistik va dasturlash sohasida tajribaga ega Data Analyst va Backend Developerman. Men Python va pandas, numpy, matplo…
Frontend разработчик с опытом работы больше 2 лет. Изучил фундаментальное знания на онлайн курсах codewithmosh.com! Данный момент работаю frontend разработчиком на платформе Makon. Makon - это платфо…